DATA Challenges

The DATA Club aims to provide members with an opportunity to put their skills to the test in real-world situations. Broadly speaking, we have seen that encouraging students to apply their skills in a competitive setting creates fruitful learning opportunities to learn and develop.


We are super excited to announce that we’re launching a new 2021 Spring Data Competition: Vaccine Data Challenge?!! Participants will be challenged to visualize aspects of vaccine distribution: where hotspots and distribution centers are located, distribution policies, and how vaccine distribution can be improved.

Undergraduate and graduate winners can win up to $300 dollars in prize money! ??
? 1st place – $300, ? 2nd place -$200, ? 3rd place – $100

Got questions? Join our Slack or reach out to us at 


We partnered with the City of Boston, who provided students with bike traffic and incident datasets and challenged students to create a visualization in Tableau to provide key insights regarding bike safety in Boston and suggest policies to make Boston more bike-friendly. The top 5 teams presented their projects at the DATA Forum (co-hosted with Northeastern’s DATA Initiative), which was attended by companies from around the Boston area to in a gathering featuring speaker presentations, panels, and the final judging of the competition 

Learn more at 




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