Technical Workshops

Central to the DATA Club’s mission is hosting events to help members build their technical skills to apply to personal projects and professional experiences. To do so, we bring in instructors to develop and lead workshops for DATA Club members to have hands-on experience working with and learning about the most relevant tools and techniques in the field of data science. Below are past workshops we’ve worked to put on for our members.

Tableau’s Ambassador to Northeastern University, Akshay Kaushik, led a product demonstration and workshop through Tableau features useful in creating detailed and interactive data visuals. Akshay detailed his experience using Tableau in his Business Analytics role at State Street and presented useful tips and tricks alongside a walkthrough of how to put together a useful and informative data visual.

Machine Learning 4-part Series Workshop

The DATA Club’s Machine Learning Workshop Series was a 4-part series of workshops taught by Ben Nye, a PhD student in the Natural Language Processing Program in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences. Each part covered a segment of the process of building an ML algorithm, covering the basics of relevant Python modules and off-the-shelf models, data collection, data processing and exploration, feature engineering, hyperparameter tuning, performance metrics, and data visualization.



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